Landscape Gardener Ogawa Jihei and His Times: A Profile of Modern Japan
272pp, hardcover, English edition
¥2,700 + tax
Securing the generous support of the politicians and industrialists who propelled Japan's modernization, Ogawa Jihei VII created many outstanding gardens at the end of the nineteenth and the first few decades of the twentieth century. Expressing a Japanese aesthetic even while incorporating modern techniques, his methodology reveals the nature of modernization as Japan experienced it. With a keen eye for architecture, author Suzuki Hiroyuki takes a long-awaited look at modernization and the modern garden. Awarded the Architectural Institute of Japan's Annual Prize for Publication in 2014.
272ページ、ハードカバー 英語
日本の近代化を推進した政治家、企業家たちから絶大な支持を得て、数々の名庭園を造り続けた七代目小川治兵衛。西洋の技術を導入しつつも和風の美を表現したその手法に、日本という国が経験した近代のあり方をみる。建築史家・鈴木博之による日本の近代化と庭園に向けた深遠な研究と考察によって描かれる近代日本の横顔。 2014年、日本建築学会年次出版賞を受賞。